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TV Presentation Course (Presenter Preparation)
The allure of fame and stardom in the television industry has often tempted many to explore the world of television and embark on the adventure of TV presentation...
Some do it out of curiosity to delve into the intriguing details of this profession, while others enter the world of TV presentation armed with confidence in their talent and ability to carve out a place among the stars
At Nagham Fa sol Production, trainees will learn all the skills of TV presentation, including:
Studying the psychological aspects of TV presentation and self-confidence.
Developing breathing techniques in front of the camera and microphone.
Enhancing voice and articulation skills.
Improving delivery, pauses, stops, and silence in speech – programs – news – social media.
Mastering body language for stage and camera.
Enhancing voice projection and delivery, and building the trainee's vocal identity.
News and program TV presentation.
Text analysis and interpretation.
Developing personality, performance, and character creation for the trainee.
Pronunciation of original Arabic letters and presenting in formal language.
Handling cameras, autocue, and written texts.
Body language specific to media presenters.
Building confidence in oneself, voice, and body language.
Programmatic presentation.
Presenting news briefs.
Creating the trainee's character.
All under the guidance of experienced professionals in the field.