The art of cinemas effects and designing battles.

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الوصف الوظيفي

The art of cinemas effects and designing battles.

Cinemas effects are known as the creation or manipulation of any images on the screen that do not actually exist in real life. These cinemas effects allow filmmakers to create environments, objects, creatures, and even people that may be impractical or impossible to capture in a real live shot. The art of cinemas effects is one of the important branches in cinema and television in general, where its details are drawn from the imagination of the cinemas effects artist and the film director. It doesn't present facts, but it moves from one illusion to another, and viewers have no choice but to believe what is happening as long as the illusion is perfectly formed, with not a single inch lacking the magic touch
In "Nagham Fa sol Production," you will learn how to create cinemas effects and design battles with the most skilled teams and experts in this field.

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